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Character Background

Today is tomorrow's background.

One of the main dogmas when it comes to designing the lore and setting in Pax Dei is that while the past must be ours, the future has to be entirely yours. We provide the sandbox, the set of rules and limitations the world exists in, and within it, you can be who you want to be.

Your avatar in the world will start with a clean and empty slate, giving you the chance to entirely create and shape your own reputation and be whoever you want to be in the eyes of your fellow players. And you do so through your words, actions, deeds, and who you associate yourself with in the game.

Do you want to be a farmer? Become a farmer. Do you want to be known as a demon hunter? Study the magic and delve into the dark reaches of the dungeons of the world. Do you desire to be “The Chosen One”? Do things that have your fellow players view you as someone very special.