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Redeemers, Part 1


Chloë,lore magister doloris, keen servant of the holy inquisition and humble spiritual disciple of Armozel, Ad futuram rei memoriam.

As instructed and with the eagerness fitting our purpose, I wish to report our findings after having harvested the depraved minds of the Sethian heretics whose fate was laid in our hands and lives of whom we carefully and aptly ended with the most proper pastoral care.

The original filthy dogma of the Sethian heresy and the idea that educates all they postulate and do, is the belief that God is purely spiritual and that His kingdom belongs strictly to the spiritual realm, while the temporal world and everything within it was supposedly created by the Devil, whom they call Rex Mundi, in order to lure souls from heaven.

Therefore they view everything that has to do with this world as impure, having no worth whatsoever, including their earthly lives and bodies. Sethians believe they are repeatedly reincarnated on Earth until they attain what in their perverted mind equals spiritual perfection, allowing them to die for the last time and escape this Creation, which they view as a cacophony of Evil.

Furthermore they believe that in the Kingdom of Heaven all souls are the same, no males, no females, indeed no bodies or visual form at all. The division of humans into sexes is a creation of the Devil and carnal love is the ultimate trap laid to corrupt the spirit and keep it perpetually in his grip. In their eyes, removing any signs of the sexual division and indeed disrespecting their own body in the most deprived and loathsome way is viewed among Sethians as an effort to get closer to God.

Henceforth, in summarizing their corrupt and perverted beliefs, the followingpiece can be stated:

i. Everything of this world is unclean and a creation of the Devil.

ii. Nothing is worth enjoying

iii. Nothing is worth saving

iv. This earthly existence means nothing and has no value 

v. The less one conforms to life on earth, the closer one is to God

vi. Sacrificing one's life brings a Sethian soul one step closer to being allowed back into Heaven

vii. Self mutilation and the enduring of pain is an expression of the hatred for Rex Mundi and his creation and thereby a form of divine worship.

This disregard for God's creation, resulting in rampaging bands of aforesaid heretics crisscrossing the lands, laying murderous waste to everything in their path, mustnow be stoppedfound byhere: anyRedeemers, meansPart possible.

It is therefore of utmost importance that the Order in conducting God´s work, not be molested by worldly powers or hindered in any manner whatsoever by any authority whatsoever in the manner of the aforesaid and through our Papal decree, that we may threaten all opposers, whoever they may be, with excommunication, suspension, interdict and still other more terrible sentences, censures, and penalties.

Inquisitor Chloë´s letter to Grand Inquisitor Gaeune, the day before the Mass of Great Summons 3901 AC, urging him to light the fires under the Sethian heretics for real.1
